How to Select an ERP System (Video Version)

Sharing our Lunch and Learn hosted by our colleagues at CSG Pro, with partner Aldrich Technology, on how to go through an ERP Selection. For further info, please read our article "A 10 Step Process To Select Your New System."

If you are already mid-flight on an ERP system implementation and things may be going awry, watch our video "My ERP Needs to be Rescued!"

As companies grow, they always have some system they use, whether they are moving past true startup with spreadsheets and basic accounting (i.e. Excel and Quickbooks), have a legacy system that they have outgrown, or may not be in the cloud. Similarly, leaders in these companies often recognize that they need to upgrade their systems, but are unsure about the leading indicators for doing so, knowing when to start, and how best to go about selecting the right system for them.

Watch our Systems Implementation support leadership panel discuss how to know when to consider upgrading or getting an ERP system, and what to consider throughout the selection process.


ERP Implementation Rescue (Video Version)


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