Everything you need to know to get more done + feel confident in the results you’re driving.

The AJC® blog is designed to deliver the latest industry trends across project management, consulting, operations, change management, and more. 

How to Select an ERP System (Video Version)

As companies grow, they always have some system they use, whether they are moving past true startup with spreadsheets and basic accounting (i.e. Excel and Quickbooks), have a legacy system that they have outgrown, or may not be in the cloud. Similarly, leaders in these companies often recognize that they need to upgrade their systems, but are unsure about the leading indicators for doing so, knowing when to start, and how best to go about selecting the right system for them.

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Four Common Misconceptions of Project Management

Leaders think that Project Management will just “happen” even without a designated Project Manager. We talked to an Executive the other day who said that most of the details for 75% of their initiatives aimed at developing capacity to manage their explosive growth, were “in the head” of their President. The Executive asked us if they should consider a Project Manager to handle these projects?

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Saved by “Plan B:” The Importance of an Effective Project Manager

This story from one of AJC’s clients shows how an effective project manager can save more than nine stitches in time, particularly when Plan A doesn’t go according to plan. We also share these three Reasons to Hire an External Project Manager: 1. Experience anticipating and preparing for contingencies 2. Objectivity 3. Saving time and costs

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