Transparent Supply Chain Manufacturing ERP Considerations with a Tight Labor Market

I attended a recent Manufacturing conference highlighting the challenges in the labor market for hourly employees. When people are not available for long-term or full-time shifts, the presenter, an industry expert from ResourceMFG suggested pulling temporary or gig workers to fill gaps.

Temporary labor is not a new option in manufacturing, though combined with increasing interests in a transparent supply chain, how does an ERP system allow for temporary or gig worker identification in the manufacturing process?

This consideration will have to be addressed in new system requirements and functionality – or the system could be integrated with a staff management system. Either way, it will be interesting to observe how the market demand for transparency leads to innovation in the baseline functionality of Manufacturing-focused ERP systems.

At AJC® we are ready to help Manufacturers think outside of the box with their future state requirements as we start our ERP Selection process with Current and Future State Process Mapping. We recognize that not all the future state features will be readily available today, but we can prioritize the critical and wish list requirements, then discuss both types of needs with prospective vendors to help our manufacturing clients evaluate which system will be the best long-term solution for them.

Are you ready to transform how your Manufacturing business will adapt to the next stage of transparent supply chain market demands?

Book a meeting with us or fill in our Contact form to discuss our process.


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